Sunday, April 10, 2011

Topic Proposal

While reading Margaret Atwood's story The Handmaid's Tale, the thing that stuck out to me the most was the way the women were treated and how they basically had no rights what so ever.  They were only good for doing womenly things such as cooking, cleaning, and making babies.  This really bothered me and I realized that I was not familiar with how women were treated in the past and it led me to the question: Why were the women in Atwood's story treated so poorly?  I think that if I could better understand this question
it would make me better understand Atwood and the story as a whole because I could not really relate to the text.  This question led me to my topic for my essay which is The Feminist Movement in the United States.  I think by researching this topic and learning more about the rights that women had and did not have back then, I will be able to relate it to the text and it will eliminate a lot of the confusion that I had.  I did not choose this topic just to relate it to the story but also because I want to become familiar with woman's rights and find out what led us to have the rights that we have today.  I think it will be great to be more educated about the topic and I am also looking forward to understanding why Atwood chose to write about the subject.  It must have been an important subject to her and I am sure she had strong feelings about the topic. I really hope that this topic will work out great for my essay and it will help me meet all of the requirements that need to be met. I am hoping that this topic will also work well for the Literary Analysis part of the essay and that the research will not be too hard to find.  I think that this is a good topic to study because there should be numerous sources for it but yet it is not to broad nor is it too narrow.  Overall, I feel that The Feminist Movements in the United States is a great topic to relate to The Handmaid's Tale.

Here is a link with information about The Feminist Movement in the United States.

Link for photo 1

Link for photo 2